oleh Secretary Delegasi | Agu 16, 2019 | Wilayah Timor Barat 1
Nurobo, Indonesia. Konsultor Dewan sekaligus Prefek Kerasulan Para Misionaris Claretian Indonesia-Timor Leste, P. Frederikus Jampur, CMF, dalam bulan Agustus-September 2019 ini mengadakan kunjungan kanonik ke komunitas-komunitas Claretian di Regio Indonesia Timur.
Kunjungan kanonik ini selain menjalankan amanat Konstitusi dan Direktori Claretian, tetapi terutama untuk mengalami lebih dekat kehidupan sesama saudara sebagai Claretian di komunitas-komunitas lokal. Kesempatan ini juga menjadi momen evaluasi bersama sebagai saudara dalam menekuni petualangan missioner-kemuridan sehari-hari.
Kunjungan kanonik di Regio Indonesia Timur kali ini dimulai dari komunitas Claretian, Paroki St. Maria Fatima Nurobo, Atambua, selanjutnya menuju ke komunitas Claretian, Paroki St. Antonius Maria Claret Oenopu serta semua komunitas Claretian Regio Indonesia Timur. Kunjungan kanonik ini akan ditutup dalam Retret Tahunan bersama Regio Indonesia Timur di Mataloko, Ngada pada tanggal 10-17 September 2019.
oleh Secretary Delegasi | Agu 16, 2019 | News
Claretian Pre-Noviate, Kupang. Tuesday, August 13, 2019, on the day of the Feast of the Claretian Martyrs of Barbastro, 25 Aspirans firmly surrendered themselves to be accepted into postulancy in the Congregation of the Immaculate Hearts of Marry (Claretian Misisonaries). Fr. Frederikus Jampur, CMF as the representative of the Delegation Council led the Acceptance Mass. Some Claretians of several missions such as Macau, Philippines, Timor Leste, Jakarta, Kalimantan and Kupang took part in the Mass. Also present were the Claretian Missionary sisters and some lay-Claretians. In his homily, Fr. Fredy emphasized the importance of being a Spirit-filled follower of Christ. The 51 Claretian Martyrs of Barbastro dare to embrace suffering and even death because they were always open to the work of the Spirit. It is this same spirit that should always be brought and carried on by the Claretians, specifically the 25 new postulants. “A Claretian should have both the smelling of God and a heart opened to the work of the Spirit in his entire missionary journey”, he said.
After the Mass was continued with Claretian-style Celebration. It was clear that this joy was not only felt by the 25 new postulants, but also all those present. Mario, one of the Postulants, represented the 24 other postulants, expressing his abundant gratitude to God for showing His love to them through the Claretian Congregation. Their joy is also the joy of the Congregation. By being accepted as Postulants, they were aware of the greater responsibility that should carry on. “Being a postulant means being an example for others”, asserted Mario.
May the spirit of the Claretian Martyrs of Barbastro always urges our brother Postulants in the journey of their Vocation. We pray that the Lord sets their hearts on the fire of His love.
oleh Secretary Delegasi | Agu 16, 2019 | Berita
Pra Novisiat Claret, Kupang– Selasa, 13 Agustus 2019, bertepatan dengan pesta ke-51 Martir Claretian dari Barbastro, ke-25 saudara Aspiran dengan mantap menyerahkan diri untuk diterima dalam masa formasi postulansi dalam Kongregasi Putra-Putra Hati Tak Bernoda Bunda Maria (Para Misisonaris Claretian). Ekaristi penerimaan postulan dipimpin oleh P. Frederikus Jampur, CMF, Konsultor dewan Delegasi Independen Indonesia-Timor Leste. Sejumlah misionaris Claretian dari beberapa daerah misi seperti Macau, Filipina, Timor Leste, Jakarta, Kalimantan, dan Kupang ikut ambil bagian dalam ekaristi penerimaan ini. Turut hadir pula para suster Misionaris Claretian dan beberapa awam Claretian. Dalam homilinya, P. Fredy, demikian sapaanya menegaskan pentingnya menjadi pengikut Kristus yang penuh dengan Roh. Ke-51 Martir Claretian berani memeluk penderitaan bahkan kematian karena dalam hidup, mereka senantiasa terbuka pada karya Roh. Spirit inilah yang harus senantiasa dibawa dan diteruskan oleh para Claretian, secara khusus ke-25 postulan baru. “Seorang Claretian selain berbau Allah, juga hendaknya terbuka pada karya Roh Allah dalam seluruh perjalanan hidup missioner,” tegasnya.
Setelah ekaristi, sukacita penerimaan ke-25 Postulan berlanjut dalam acara kekeluargaan ala Claretian. Tampak jelas bahwa sukacita itu tidak hanya dirasakan oleh ke-25 postulan baru, tetapi juga semua pihak yang ikut hadir. Oktavianus Mario J. Nay, salah seorang Postulan, mewakili ke-24 postulan lainnya, mengungkapkan syukur berlimpah kepada Allah yang telah menunjukkan cinta-Nya kepada mereka melalui Kongregasi Claretian. Sukacita mereka adalah juga sukacita Kongregasi. Dengan diterima sebagai Postulan, mereka sadar akan tanggung jawab lebih besar yang harus dipikul. “Menjadi postulan berarti menjadi panutan bagi saudara-saudara yang lain,” tegas Mario.
Semoga semangat para martir Claretian dari Barbastro senantiasa menjiwai saudara-saudara dalam karya pelayanan agar Tuhan semakin dikenal, dicintai, dilayani dan dimuliakan oleh semua orang. Proficiat…! (Fr. Anggalius Y. Usfal, CMF-TOP-er PNC)
oleh Secretary Delegasi | Agu 15, 2019 | Berita, Claretian Youth
Kupang, Indonesia. Life moves on so fast and eventually brought us to the peak days of encounter, the AEYG 2019 + CF (Ascla East Youth Gathering 2019 + Claretian Family). At beautiful hill of Dare – Timor Leste from August 5 – 11, 2019, the dream of solidarity is weaved. It is the solidarity of Christ that impels the young men and women from different part of Asian countries where the Claretian Missionaries present to come and form an inclusive community while learning how to be in solidarity with the co-travellers.
As fellow travellers with others, entering into the web of relationship is a sine qua non fact of our daily pilgrimage. This encounter creates a sense of solidarity with one another. At the heart of this solidarity is the experience of oneness, we are brothers and sisters on this our common home.
On August 4, 2019 the participants are coming. They are from the Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Rome. Some of them take a direct flight to Dili – Timor Leste, while others they pass through Kupang and proceed to Atambua the border of Indonesia and Timor Leste. Mission and its concern make us one, the Claretian family.
The Claretian Missionaries of Independent Delegation of Indonesia-Timor Leste as the host countries of this international encounter thanked the ASCLA EAST Conference for this privilege moment where all young men and women can meet together and learn how to involve themselves in the project of telling the story of the Master. Hope at the end of this gathering they are formed and transformed to join hand in hand in solidarity with others along their journey in giving reason of their hope. (pfm).
oleh Secretary Delegasi | Agu 5, 2019 | AMC, Berita
Kupang, Indonesia. Life moves on so fast and eventually brought us to the peak days of encounter, the AEYG 2019 + CF (Ascla East Youth Gathering 2019 + Claretian Family). At beautiful hill of Dare – Timor Leste from August 5 – 11, 2019, the dream of solidarity is weaved. It is the solidarity of Christ that impels the young men and women from different part of Asian countries where the Claretian Missionaries present to come and form an inclusive community while learning how to be in solidarity with the co-travellers.
As fellow travellers with others, entering into the web of relationship is a sine qua non fact of our daily pilgrimage. This encounter creates a sense of solidarity with one another. At the heart of this solidarity is the experience of oneness, we are brothers and sisters on this our common home.
On August 4, 2019 the participants are coming. They are from the Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Rome. Some of them take a direct flight to Dili – Timor Leste, while others they pass through Kupang and proceed to Atambua the border of Indonesia and Timor Leste. Mission and its concern make us one, the Claretian family.
The Claretian Missionaries of Independent Delegation of Indonesia-Timor Leste as the host countries of this international encounter thanked the ASCLA EAST Conference for this privilege moment where all young men and women can meet together and learn how to involve themselves in the project of telling the story of the Master. Hope at the end of this gathering they are formed and transformed to join hand in hand in solidarity with others along their journey in giving reason of their hope. (pfm).